Teamviewer alternative
Teamviewer alternative

On the other hand, you can find the application in the Start Menu or Start Page, and connect to another Windows-based PC to get things done.

teamviewer alternative

You do not have the burden of installation or the lengthy set-up process. Of course, there are the perks of being a Microsoft-made and dedicated-for-Windows solution. It is an inbuilt feature in the newer versions of Microsoft Windows, including Windows 10. If you prefer a native, fully-fledged and good-to-go remote desktop solution for your Windows, the best option is the Windows Remote Desktop Connection. To suit your convenience, we’ll be covering different kinds of TeamViewer alternatives, such as web-based ones and software-based ones. In this post, however, we have listed top five remote desktop solutions that can be good TeamViewer alternatives when you’re fed up of TeamViewer. And, chances are high that you would love trying some of the other remote desktop solutions just for a change, you know.Ĭheck out: 6 Best uTorrent Alternatives for Windows and Mac OS Xĥ Best TeamViewer Alternative for Remote Desktop Access Very similarly, if you need advanced options of remote assistance, you need one there too. If you want to use remote desktop assistance purposes, for instance, you need to get a TeamViewer alternatively.

teamviewer alternative

Of course, the simplicity and effectiveness of TeamViewer, even in the poor network conditions, are worth praising.ĭespite all these, you sometimes need to get out of TeamViewer and get a better alternative to get the jobs done. The software is free for personal use, has been used by a lot of people to seek and provide technical assistance - over the internet, as you know.

teamviewer alternative

TeamViewer would probably be the first name to strike in your mind when you hear about remote PC assistance! It’s quite natural as well because it has been the most popular solution to control another PC remotely, for more than a few years.

Teamviewer alternative